Persona to Essence Interview

Striking Gold in the Wisdom of your True Self

October 17, 2024 9:00AM PT

If you’ve ever used the Hendricks’ “Persona Interview,” you know the power that this process has. But did you know that behind every persona (the masks that we take on from conditioning) exists our pure essence?

Dr. Colwell will describe the origins of “Persona to Essence Interview,” (beginning with developing the Essence Interview one day in her dining room with Katie Hendricks) and review the steps. She’ll then do a demonstration with a willing participant. Everyone will get a copy of the handout, with clear steps (and ways to potentially get support) as to how to apply it.

All are welcome, no prior experience with Persona work is necessary.

About your instructor:

Julie at Starhouse door

Dr. Julie Colwell, PhD

Founder/Director of the Evolutionary Power Institute,
Graduate of Hendricks Institute Leadership and Transformation Program

Julie Colwell, PhD is a psychologist who founded and directs the Evolutionary Power Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Julie is fascinated by relationship dynamics (including how we relate to ourselves) and endlessly muses on new ways to move out of the suffering of struggle back into creativity, flow, and aliveness. She is the author of the Relationship Ride, the Relationship Skills Workbook, and the Inner Map. Julie first started training with Gay and Katie in 1995, and has developed her own body of work that is grounded in their principles (as well as in neuropsychology, systems theory, and energy work), co-presenting with Katie several times. Julie lives in Boulder with her wife of 35 years and their three adopted canines.

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