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Opening to learning, noticing the connection between things, and responding consciously with curiosity and creativity.

How to Move from Blame to Wonder
- Self-authorship
- Creative empowerment
- Conscious action, not unconscious re-action
- Radical self-trust
- Expansive, thriving freedom
- Victim mentality begone!
- Boundless, magical creativity
What it isn't
- Passive
- Controlling
- Blame
- Guilt
- Martyrdom

Imagine a world in which everybody takes 100% responsibility and nobody ever blames.
Taking healthy responsibility is one of the three key moves from the Conscious Living and Loving Initiative. Join now to help create a global revolution in how we communicate in love, work and politics.
The Rapid Response-Ability Experience
Try it out now
Get it easy, get it fast. Grow it with your whole body-mind, now.
Activate Your Response-Ability
Shift into Response-Ability anytime you like with one of these simple questions
Response-Ability in Action
Shift into response-able action and choice using Coach Jody Kaylor's Step On It process. Watch this brief video to find out how.
Want more Response-Ability Wonder Questions?
A Wonder Question is asked with genuine wonder that is free from attitude and expectation for a specific or immediate answer. Wonder is spacious. When you ask a Wonder Question, your rational mind expands and you literally feel more space in your body and mind. In this open space, which the philosopher J. Krishnamurti called “freedom from the known,” there is room for miracles to occur.
Become a steward of the Earth and life
You can be Earth- and life-friendly by making conscious choices that support the environment. Learn more by reading our article on Environmental Stewardship and Eliminating the Use of Plastics.