Go in the Direction of the Flow
Choosing to favor openings of flow/possibility brings expanded creative power as you receive the added support of open energetic flow.

How to do it
- Notice if you feel stuck or if you are pushing to make something happen or change something inside you.
- Let whatever is happening inside of you or around you be what it is without criticizing or trying to change it.
- Take a few deep belly breaths where you allow your belly to expand on the inbreath and fall gently towards your spine on the outbreath.
- Get curious about what feels open and easy inside of you and notice how that impacts your experience of stuckness or resistance.
- Turn towards something that feels open and enjoy the ease of flowing with, rather than against, such as a stretch or moving in a new direction, breathing more deeply.
- Takes less energy
- Increases connection and aliveness
- Expands creative power