Notice Your Breath With “Hmmm…”
Noticing your breath with curiosity is an opportunity to increase your awareness of your breathing patterns.

How to do it
- Sit comfortably, relax your body, and close your eyes if you wish.
- Focus your attention on your breath. What do you notice about your breath?
- Inhale gently through your nose. Notice the airflow through your nose and throat.
- Notice where you sense the expansion of your body. Is it in your chest, back, belly? Where else?
- Make the sound of the sound ‘hmm’ while you exhale slowly through your nose relaxing your body as you ‘hmm.’
- Notice the vibrations moving through your body and how the ‘hmm’ intensifies the sensations of breathing.
- Enjoy the stillness at the bottom of the outbreath.
- Releases tension and induces relaxation.
- Expands your breath awareness.
- Calms the mind and slows the heart rate.