F.A.C.T. is a roadmap for moving from stress to ease.
There are 4 steps including:
This tool integrates all of the previous modules.

- Pick a place in the space around you where the question or issue seems located.
- Turn your body towards the issue so that you are facing it.
- Now, for a couple of minutes use your whole body to explore how you can and do turn towards and away from the issue
- Then turn and face the issue directly
- Open your body posture, sounding a pleasant Hmmm on your outbreath and ask:
- “Hmmm…What about this question/issue have I not fully faced directly?”
- Take a moment to relax your breath, by tightening your belly on the exhale, then letting it open and fill like a balloon with each inhale.
- As your breath slows and opens, ask, “Hmmm…What’s the hardest thing for me to accept about this?”
- Then, holding out a hand to one side, say “ I want to accept this.”
- And, holding out a hand to the other side, say “Hmmm…and I don’t want to,” or “I feel scared.”
- Continue going back and forth between these statements. making sure you add the “and…”
- Notice what shifts.
- Continuing to sound a pleasurable “Hmmm…” with your outbreaths
- Create small, friendly movements with your hands, arms and whole body as you ask, “Hmmm…What do I really want?”
- Emphasize different words, use different tones of voice as you continue asking.
- When you feel an increase in ease and energy, you are ready for the next step.
- Let yourself Hmmm easily as you move around the room and ask, “Hmmm… What is one simple, pleasurable action step that will lead me to what I really want?”
- Jot down your answer
- What is your action?
- When do you agree to do this?
- Appreciate yourself for doing F.A.C.T
Click here to reach the full Restoring Resourcefulness Program Guide.
Download the Introduction to F.A.C.T. Guide
Download the F.A.C.T. Roadmap from Stress to Ease