Oh, Hello! 8/5/24


Today Katie begins our practice by inviting you to think of your Loop of Awareness as a kind of meditation in action. Shifting your attention can ride on the light quality of tossing a ball back and forth with a playful “oh, hello.” Adding intention to your attention is a powerful way to expand the discovery. Katie suggests that you add curiosity to your playful tossing and notice how that allows your attention to land more fully. Today integrity skill can be found here.

Every Monday Katie offers a practice to increase our capacity to give and receive love using the tools of Loop of Awareness, Love Scooping and more. Katie shares practices from our Integrity Deck which offers you an opportunity to expand your experience of wholeness through integrity skills and from our Presence-Connect-Play app which will assist you in developing a new way of being in the world, a new story of continuous creativity.

Watch the video to learn more.