Body of Relating & Continuum Movement
Broadcast on February 19, 2015
In a guided movement meditation we explore the elemental affinity between our bodies and the living breathing planetary body. Susan will offer perceptual practices to liberate habits of perception, and to awaken the spiritual imaginative capacity of the heart. We listen into the sensuous intelligence in our organism and the living matrix, until we can perceive through feeling, a subtle emergence — a new movement birthing — an insight that is surprising, fresh, yet ancient and wise. We meet that which is not yet known.
Hosted by Lamara Heartwell with Susan Harper
Susan Harper

Continuum Movement Teacher, Founder of Continuum Montage, Dreamer, Storyteller
Susan Harper is a Continuum Movement teacher, heart-soul-counselor, creative instigator, and inspired teacher of perceptual and movement inquiry. Since 1975, Susan has been teaching internationally and contributing to the development of Continuum Movement, which was originated by Emilie Conrad. Susan has the ability through personal demonstration of sounds, breaths and movement to transmit a primal and spiritual fluidity that inspires participation resulting in embodied innovative discoveries. Her students call her a moving storyteller, a dream weaver, one who opens portals into the vast space of creativity, which is available in all human beings. She creates contexts for those who love to inquire, who dare to listen at the edge and in the depths—to be in the frontier conversation—who are aware of the adventure of courting the unknown. Susan is the creator of Continuum Montage, and developer of Body of Relating, Body of Perception, and Living Dreams Seminars. In these events, fresh heart-based perceiving and moving instantly affects how we relate, and our fundamental sense of belonging. The emphasis is on somatic awareness, soulful movement, and the skills of intimacy. The practices open vital new ways of perceiving, creative imagination, and a deep capacity for presence, resonance, and love.
Visit Susan’s website:
Link to audio of conversation:
Body Intelligence Summit Interview 2015 – Audio
Link to video of conversation:
Body Summit Interview 2015 – Video
Link to copy of the transcript:
Body Intelligence Summit 2015 – Susan Harper – Transcript
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