Buckminster Fuller’s Brilliant Metaphor for the Greatest Key to Transformation and Growth

buckyfuller1“What you do with yourself, just the little things you do yourself, these are the things that count.”

“The only transformation that interests me is a total transformation—however minute,” Susan Sontag wrote in her diary. It’s a sentiment both paradoxical and profound—we tend to think of the total and the minute as polarities, and yet any total transformation is the product of a series of minute, purposeful shifts. That, after all, is the transformative power of habit.

No one has articulated the machinery of transformation more succinctly and powerfully than architect, inventor, and philosopher Buckminster Fuller (July 12, 1895–July 1, 1983) — a man of timeless wisdom and prescience so extraordinary that he envisioned online education, TED, and Pandora decades before these ideas became a reality.

Read the full article by Marla Popova at Brain Pickings

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