Four great ways to join the Conscious Living Movement

The Foundation for Conscious Living promotes Authenticity, Response-ability and Appreciation, in partnership, community, politics, society and the planet.

Our vision of the world is one where our essence is honored and where all our interactions are conducted with honestly and integrity. Through the embodiment of Authenticity, Response-ability and Appreciation together we create empowered lives of expanding creativity and love.

We are leading a Movement. Will you join us? Here’s how…

1. Practice

Practice embodying the Authenticity, Response-ability and Appreciation skills you have learned. Teach them to your family and friends. Create a ripple wherever you go!

2 . Share

Share your Story of Transformation. Either in writing or in video. Tell us about your experience and how your interactions shift through the practice of Authenticity, Response-ability and Appreciation skills. Share your story here.

3. Co-Create

Tell us your great ideas for how we can work together to create huge positive shifts in the world. We want to hear from you. Post your ideas in the comments below, or email us at .

4. Contribute

Become a contributing partner and help us catalyze the Movement. Your donation is vital to our success. Make your contribution here.

We appreciate YOU and are delighted to be partners with you in the Conscious Living movement.

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