Gathering and Sharing Love Confetti 4/19/21

Katie invites us this week to reach out and scoop love and to bring that love to the places inside of us that want attention. She reminds us that love means “being in the same space with” and invites us to love ourselves this way, and share this love with the space around us. Katie asks us to gather the love and then share it out into the space around us like confetti. We gathered love and sent it to those who might be needing love and attention by using the M&M theory, giving two to ourselves for everyone one we share. Often we are givers and forget to allow ourselves to receive. This allows more flow and ease as we include ourselves, knowing there is plenty for all. Every Monday Katie offers a practice to increase our capacity to give and receive love using the tools of Loop of Awareness and Love Scooping. Watch the video to learn more.

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