Body Intelligence Summit Interview Series

We’ve all been raised in a disembodied world — sitting endless hours at our desks, squinting at screens and disconnected from ALL of our senses while relying predominantly on learning through our intellect.

Too often, we think of our bodies like machines we need to “maintain” so that we can keep going. (Instead of honoring them as divine expressions of our wondrous universe and the source of loving presence that allows us to fully engage in our lives.)

The result? We often feel anxious, uninspired and depleted. We may gain weight or develop chronic health problems. And we lose our authentic connection with ourselves, our community and our environment.

The Body Intelligence Summit series is here to shift all that — helping you access new levels of vitality, creativity and joy by becoming more deeply and deliciously embodied.

The truth is that your body holds vast wisdom and intelligence — from the precise communication of your nervous system, to the power of your muscles, to the distributed sensitivity of your skin.

And in this series, you’ll discover new information that shows that this intelligence extends far beyond your body.

When you learn to cultivate this Body Intelligence (“BQ”), you’ll experience a powerful correlation between your body’s natural, deep wisdom and your ability to positively influence the world around you — impacting choices in your daily life, your relationships and your work.

The Interviews:

Anat Baniel:

Annie Brook:
How Early Somatic Impressions Shape Our Identities & Behaviors

Andrea Isaacs:
Empowered Living Through Body Wisdom

Bruce Lipton:
The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth

Dean and Annie Ornish:
Body Intelligence in the Wisdom Years

Dean and Annie Ornish:
What’s Sacred & Sexy is Sustainable

Diana Chapman and Jim Dethmer:
Body Intelligence in the Corporate World

Eileen Fisher:
Stepping Inside Myself

Jon Eisman:
Self, Movement & Intention

Martha Eddy:
Somatic Movement Education, Body Intelligence & “Peaceful Play”

Philip Shepherd:
Lower Your Consciousness

Randy Masters:
Our Harmonic Universe

Susan Harper:
Body of Relating & Continuum Movement

Steve Sisgold:
Whole Body Intelligence De-stress on Demand Transform Limiting Beliefs and Create Change that Lasts