Creating Caring Communities

Loops and Scoops: Using Your Attention, May 4, 2020

Katie invites us to check in with our willingness to receive as we are the well in which all that we want comes from.  We play with moving as an oozy love scoop and bringing it in wherever stress is …

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Reclaiming Our Multi-Dimensionality: Expand and Connect, April 27, 2020

Katie suggests we let our attention land instead of following attention like a bouncing ball.  We learn about a powerful way to restore resourcefulness called Matching. These sessions are offered to create caring communities by expanding our ability to move …

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Change Your Thought by Changing Your Body, April 20, 2020

Katie shares that the way we use our attention is our most valuable asset. We are guided through a delicious love scooping practice as well.  These sessions are offered to create caring communities by expanding our ability to move from …

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Giving and Receiving Love and Attention, April 13, 2020

We use our imagination to create our love pool of the most exquisite qualities of love that we have ever experienced. We reach out and scoop love to ourselves then scoop love and send that out to anyone of our …

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Loops and Scoops: A Restorative Practice, April 6, 2020

Katie invites us to wonder where attention is wanted in our own body.  Circulating  attention in, then out, is an incredibly powerful nutrient.  These sessions are offered to create caring communities by expanding our ability to move from fear to …

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Learning to Give and Receive Love: Meeting the Crisis with Our Loving Attention, March 30, 2020

In this very first session, Katie shows us the simple process called Loop of Awareness. As we all were moving into the pandemic, Katie offered these sessions as a way to support our community and our world. As we circulate …

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Coaching Circles

One of the greatest gifts we can give to another is our genuine attention. Turning towards, opening our posture, and breathing easily are the cornerstones of whole body listening. Our colleague, Helen Daniels, offers this reliable structure to be practiced …

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Melting Fear-Fight

Caring Communities: Melting Fear-Fight

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Creating Caring Communities: Appreciative Listening

Caring Communities: Appreciative Listening

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Healthy Responsibility: What’s Real? 5/17/21

Katie invited us to look at the integrity card image on the screen and then bounce our attention between the image and ourselves. We then explored the concept of experiencing reality directly through our bodies which Katie suggested is …

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