Love in Action

Conscious Communication: Matching 3/22/21

Today, Katie shares with us how we can open up aliveness and flow by matching our inner experience with our outer expression. When our language closely matches our experience, we are creating congruence, and this can unkink our energy hose. …

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Fanning and Focusing our Attention 3/22/21

Today Katie invites us to begin our practice by scanning our body and rating our aliveness and then invited us to imagine that love and attention is all around us and to scoop that love and bring it to our …

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Going Direct: What and By When 3/15/21


Today, Katie shares some thoughts about the skill of Impeccable Agreements: Going Direct, What, and by When and invites us to look at the image on the integrity deck card shown on the screen and see what comes up …

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The Gift of Savoring 3/15/21


In today’s session, Katie invites us to love ourselves by savoring as we give attention to ourselves and our surroundings. We learn to take a few breaths as we notice the quality of attention we are giving ourselves. Katie …

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Presencing our Inner World 3/8/21

Today Katie explored the concept of emotional literacy through presencing our inner world and shared how our prejudice towards emotions causes a lot of the social-emotional challenges in our world. Feelings, like our blood, are circulating all the time, …

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Filling our Attention Reservoirs 3/8/21

In our call today, Katie explores the refreshment and nourishment that our attention provides. People generally think of our attention as something that we give, such as “paying attention” to something. We forget that attention is something all our …

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Listening Appreciatively 3/1/21

In our practice today, Katie shares how we can use the skill of Conscious Communication by listening to others accurately, appreciatively and inviting wonder. Rather than “ being right” we can shift to genuinely appreciating and getting curious about what …

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Expanding Our Point of View 3/1/21

In today’s session, Katie invites us to deepen our practice of the Loop of Awareness by giving attention to something outside of us, and then bringing our attention inward and noticing our breathing, then bringing our attention outward again… Read More

Choose An Intention to Add to Your Attention
February 15, 2021

Katie demonstrates scooping up love and allowing it to percolate. We form new attention habits that generate a sense of well being for ourselves and others. This practice expands our ability to give and receive the gift of full presence. …

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Healthy Responsibility: What’s Real? 5/17/21

Katie invited us to look at the integrity card image on the screen and then bounce our attention between the image and ourselves. We then explored the concept of experiencing reality directly through our bodies which Katie suggested is …

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