
The Value of Going With 1/24/22


Today Katie shares about how profound it is to allow the ripples of what is occuring in any moment to land fully and suggests that surrendering to what is happening is not giving up, but rather moving with the …

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Reclaiming Multi-Dimensionality 1/17/22


Today Katie invites us to hmmmmm as we toss our attention as though we’re tossing a ball, letting our attention flow with curiosity and then out to the horizon. We then play with tossing our attention to create more …

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Favoring Savoring 1/10/22


Katie invites us to allow our attention to support us in increasing our ability to receive. As willingness to receive is as much a gift as giving, when we we are circulating energy by giving and receiving, we are …

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Building Up Our Attention Reserves 1/3/22

In our first Loops and Scoops of the new year, Katie invites us to “Hmmmm” and “Wow” aloud and notice how we experience that in our bodies. She shares that appreciation and opening to receiving are two practices that …

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The Pleasure of Using our Attention 12/27/21


Katie begins today’s practice by asking how much ‘at choice’ we feel about where we put our attention. She invites us to gather our attention and then choose where we want it to land. We play with gathering our …

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Shifting Worry to Wonder 12/20/21


Today Katie shares how water is a wonderful symbol for attention and invites us to imagine that we have our own love pool to step into that is just right and refreshing. She invites us to imagine dropping thoughts …

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Receiving the Essence of Caring 12/13/21


Today Katie reminds us that receiving is a gift, and that letting ourselves receive caring is a gift to the giver, as well as to us. Katie invites us to give attention to ourselves and notice how we receive …

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Being in the Love Pool 12/6/21


This week while Katie is on vacation, Big Leap Coaches Michele Yasuda and Darlene Bellis lead us in our weekly practice. Michele invites us to expand our experience of self love through giving love to the parts of ourselves …

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The Luscious Embrace of Self Love 11/29/21


Today Katie reminds us that our ‘what’s wrong?’ habit keeps us from moving into appreciation and wonder. She invites us to pause and give attention to our body and wonder about where our ‘what’s wrong central’ is in our …

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Abundance of Attention 11/22/21

Katie invites us to imagine that our attention is a red heart beam that we can direct, expand and move around. She invites us to put our hands on our heart and imagine what we are touching into is the …

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