
Emotional Literacy: Getting Curious 4/12/21

Restoring Resourcefulness Faculty member Michele Yasuda stepped in as guest facilitator and shared that she notices that being in integrity creates aliveness for her. She invites us to presence through turning toward fully ourselves, opening up our posture and breathing …

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Scoops of Love for Us and Our Community 4/12/21

Today Restoring Resourcefulness Faculty member Nicole Taylor stepped in as guest facilitator and invited us to begin our practice today by presencing and playing with our breath by inhaling and opening up to the world and as you exhale you …

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Opening Space 4/5/21

Are you in harmony with yourself, and how can you use that alignment to create space both inside and around you? Katie invites us to notice somewhere where we feel spacious inside us, and than notice what happens to our …

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Big Leap Bridge: Presencing

Restoring Resourcefulness: Introduction to Presencing

Watch the recording of An Introduction to Presencing facilitated by Dr. Vandana Verma and Terry Morganti-Fisher. This first class in our Restoring Resourcefulness series took place on January 21, 2021.

What is Presencing?
Presencing is …

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Fear Melters® Song!


Singer-songwriter Rebecca Folsom , accompanied by Leann Roberts, performed a concert during the Hendricks Couples Course in Ojai California. This Fear Melters® song is a fun way to integrate the movements into your daily life and can also …

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River of Awareness: How Flow Allows Presence 3/29/21

In today’s session, Katie shares the importance of allowing flow in our bodies. When we support movement, we have the best experience of presence. She speaks about how she sees presence as a verb, an experience rather than a place …

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Fanning and Focusing our Attention 3/22/21

Today Katie invites us to begin our practice by scanning our body and rating our aliveness and then invited us to imagine that love and attention is all around us and to scoop that love and bring it to our …

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The Gift of Savoring 3/15/21


In today’s session, Katie invites us to love ourselves by savoring as we give attention to ourselves and our surroundings. We learn to take a few breaths as we notice the quality of attention we are giving ourselves. Katie …

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The Architecture of Agreements 2/22/21


Every Monday Katie shares an integrity skill from our Integrity Deck, a resource that you can use to deepen your commitment to authenticity, responsibility and appreciation. In today’s session, Katie suggests that we can recover our wholeness using the …

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Sprinkles of Love 2/22/21


Every Monday Katie offers a practice to increase our capacity to give and receive love using the tools of Loop of Awareness and Love Scooping. On today’s call, Katie suggests that we play some peek-a-boo with our hearts through …

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