
Being in the Love Pool 12/6/21


This week while Katie is on vacation, Big Leap Coaches Michele Yasuda and Darlene Bellis lead us in our weekly practice. Michele invites us to expand our experience of self love through giving love to the parts of ourselves …

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The Luscious Embrace of Self Love 11/29/21


Today Katie reminds us that our ‘what’s wrong?’ habit keeps us from moving into appreciation and wonder. She invites us to pause and give attention to our body and wonder about where our ‘what’s wrong central’ is in our …

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Abundance of Attention 11/22/21

Katie invites us to imagine that our attention is a red heart beam that we can direct, expand and move around. She invites us to put our hands on our heart and imagine what we are touching into is the …

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Sharing Our Increased Aliveness 11/15/21


Katie begins our call today reminding us how the practice of Loop of Awareness is so simple yet so profound, and suggests that over time we will experience a shift from urgency to a bigger sense of space. Katie …

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