self care
Enjoying Buoyancy 8/22/22
Today Katie asks us: How do you experience buoyant in your body? Katie suggested we try on bodifying (by dropping the words and expressing with movement) our experience of buoyancy. We played with balloons to feel how it is …
Read MoreRiver of Attention, 8/15/22
Today Katie begins our practice by inviting us to give attention to our ears and feel into the experience of receiving sound. We also play with noticing how the air is touching us, or how our clothes feel on …
Breathing in Attention 8/8/22
In today’s session, Katie reminds us that attention is a nutrient and reads a beautiful quote about attention by Mary Oliver for us to ponder. Katie asks: Are you willing to receive attention? She invites us to take a …
Read MoreFanning Out Our Attention 8/1/22
Today Katie asks us to take an energetic reading of our body stress or aliveness level and use a scale of 1-10 to a note of it. She indicates that the body comes first in easy change, and the …
Read MoreLooping Kindness 7/25/22
Today Katie shares about how Loop of Awareness lets us refresh our attention; “When I shift my attention, my perspective expands”. Katie suggests that if we can shift our attention by choice we become more effective, and that looping …
Read MoreBubbles of Attention 7/18/22
Today Katie shares a short video showing bubbles as a way for us to practice our Loop of Awareness. Katie invites us to start by noticing someone or something we appreciate around us, and to let ourselves feel it …
Read MoreInfusing Our Attention with Love, 7/11/22
Today Katie suggests that choosing how to use our attention is a powerful way to keep the flow of aliveness circulating in our bodies. We play with adding appreciation to our loop, and try out spritzing our appreciation on …
Being a Lantern of Love 6/27/22
Today Katie invites participants to think of someone or some place that you know you love until you are having the experience of loving, and then give attention to where you feel that in your body. Let yourself gather …
Ongoing Experience of Love 6/20/22
Katie invites us to check in on our stress or energy level as we begin the call today. Katie notices that she feels more flow and connection after these calls and would love for us to tune in to …
The Nourishment of Love Spritzing 6/13/22
Today Katie suggests that her definition of love is “being in the same space as” and asked us to think of something we are trying to push away, or flee away from, and then scan to see where we …
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