
Vibration of Love 1/30/23


Today we begin our practice by hmmmmming on our out breath and feeling the vibration in our bodies. Katie shares that when she is sensing into vibration, she can open more space within herself. We play with hmmmming our …

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Heads, Hearts and Feet 1/23/23


Today Katie invites us to give some love scoops to parts of our bodies that we often might neglect. We scoop up love for our heads, and then our backs and feet, and then we play with feeling into …

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Expanding Our Consciousness 1/16/23


Today Katie suggests that we support easy expanding and integrating with our Loop of Awareness practice. We refresh and fill our reservoirs through playing with windshield wiper motions to circulate our attention and try different rhythms and paces.

Every …

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“The medicine that’s needed right now”

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“The highlight of my week”

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Warm Regards 1/9/23


Today Katie invites us to open up a flow of love and connection by practicing the loop of awareness. We play with using our attention like a searchlight where we give special attention to something inside ourselves or …

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Filling Our Inner Reservoir 1/2/23


In today’s practice Katie invites us to consider that there is real power in bringing our intention together with action. Katie invites us to practice aligning our consciousness with our choices and to gently gather our intentions for the …

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From Paying Attention to Playing Attention 12/26/22


Today Katie suggests that we try on shifting from paying attention to giving attention by practicing playful choosing in giving and receiving. We then play with pretending to bounce balloons, hackysacks, or a basketball to see what rhythm and …

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Welcoming Love 12/19/22


Today Katie begins our practice with the concept of welcoming and using Fear Melters® to allow ourselves to bring more delight into our welcoming. Katie asks us to pause and notice our overall sense of well-being after our Fear …

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Being Fully With 12/12/22


Today Katie shares that what she loves about attention is its quickest way to shift our state of being, moving from fear to love through presence. Katie asks us to select something distracting going on inside, which might be …

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