Refreshing Shower of Attention 3/6/23
Today Katie asks us to imagine Loop of Awareness as a shower of attention and regard that just washes over you and touches any place in you that needs a little extra attention. We play with creating a love …
Read MoreThe Rewards of Love Scoops 2/27/23
Katie shares today that we can use the tools of Loop of Awareness and Love Scoops to shift a state of anxiety by receiving the nutrient of attention. We play with Love Scoops and Katie suggests that reaching out …
The Sensory Experience of Attention 2/20/23
Today Katie invites us to create a sensory experience of love by thinking of somewhere like a lake or an ocean that evokes presence and safety. Then imagine feeling our feet in the water or settling into moss in …
Read MoreChoosing to Receive 2/13/23
Katie invites us to tune in with any part of ourselves that is not open to receive and then to scoop some love and bring it to rally connect to that area. Katie suggests that we add in a …
Read MoreRooting with a Kite 2/6/23
Today Katie reminds us to keep the energy flowing by noticing if we are not moving or breathing, and then allowing ourselves to move and/or breathe again. We played with the concept of a kite that acts as our …
Read MoreVibration of Love 1/30/23
Today we begin our practice by hmmmmming on our out breath and feeling the vibration in our bodies. Katie shares that when she is sensing into vibration, she can open more space within herself. We play with hmmmming our …
Read MoreHeads, Hearts and Feet 1/23/23
Today Katie invites us to give some love scoops to parts of our bodies that we often might neglect. We scoop up love for our heads, and then our backs and feet, and then we play with feeling into …
Read MoreExpanding Our Consciousness 1/16/23
Today Katie suggests that we support easy expanding and integrating with our Loop of Awareness practice. We refresh and fill our reservoirs through playing with windshield wiper motions to circulate our attention and try different rhythms and paces.
Every …
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