The Nourishment of Love Spritzing 6/13/22
Today Katie suggests that her definition of love is “being in the same space as” and asked us to think of something we are trying to push away, or flee away from, and then scan to see where we …
Read MoreRhythm and Flow 6/6/22
Today Katie shares with us about the incredible value of presence and choosing to be a vehicle of deep presence. We practiced the concept of rhythm and played with moving our arms with no rhythm and noticing what that …
Read MoreRoots and Loops 5/30/22
Today on our community call Katie shares about a post that one of our colleagues, Greg Newman, wrote on our Big Leap Home Network.
Greg inspires us by speaking about how he is experiencing his deepening Loop of …
Read MoreOcean of Love 5/23/22
Today Katie sends her love from Maui with a video to inspire our practice that Michele shares with the community. We play with the concept of an ocean of love that we can dip our feet into and nourish …
Read MoreThe Rhythm of Nourishing Attention 5/16/22
Katie invites us to give ourselves attention in a way that really sinks in. You might love scoop and use touch to allow yourself to feel it sinking in and receive the attention like soil soaking up water. You …
Read MoreSplashing Love Scoops 5/9/22
Today Katie suggests that we act like an Octopus and give love to anywhere in our bodies that wants attention by squirting love-ink. She invites us to find a place in our body and let it sink in, and …
Read MoreMatching Our Inner World 5/2/22
Today our Loops and Scoops practice is led by our colleague Michele Yasuda, and she invites us to presence our internal world by noticing body sensations and feelings. Michele mentions that often we do not have words for what …
Read MoreLooping with Verbs 4/25/22
Today our colleague Dhira Brown leads our practice and brings our awareness to whether we favor nouns rather than verbs in our everyday life. She invites us to notice a noun inside ourselves, and then out around us, like …
Read MoreThe Great Lake of Love 4/11/22
Today Katie invites you to imagine a lake as a love pool and as you step in, you can feel it swirling around you, and you can be like a plant that is drawing up the energy of that love. …
Read MoreHonoring our Inner Multitudes 4/18/22
Today Katie asks us to consider the feeling of connection we most want. She invited us to wonder where in us is most wanting connection. Katie suggests letting your breath come from the inside of you to meet your …
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