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Coming Home to Yourself Through Fear Melters®

In these resources you will discover the power of Fear Melters®, which were developed by Katie Hendricks. Each of the Fear Melters® supports you in coming home to yourself by befriending and shifting fear to presence and new choice. You’ll learn about the four ways our brain reacts in fear and the four shift moves that can restore inner harmony, balance and expanded possibility. These powerful body intelligence-based practices will assist you in centering yourself and freeing up choice – even in stressful and challenging circumstances.

The four Fear Melters® are: Wiggle, Ooze, Root, and Love Scoops.

Note: We are integrating a change to Fear Melters®. We have shifted the icon and instructions for melting the flee response to Root, which we think will be more aligned with the other melters and available to more people.

Explore these resources to learn more about how you can use Fear Melters®

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Fear Melters® in Spanish

FM made by friends

Friends Sharing Fear Melters®


A Daily Two-Minute Fear Melters® Practice

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Move with Fear Melters®


Fear Melters® With Animated Characters, Especially For Children

Coming Home with Fear Melters® Dance

Coming Home with Fear Melters® Dance

Fear Melters® Testimonials

Patrick Broom

The other night I woke up in the middle of the night from a tense dream, a nightmare. Laying there in bed, feeling my body so nervous and activated I went directly into doing Fear Melters® right there, in bed. I started with Ooze and Wiggling with a bit of extra shaking while I breathed…

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Angela Kaiser

This is awesome!!! There is something powerful when syncs show up like this … and the Root stance is such a great warrior move … in shaking/dancing, I am really enjoying the new “viking” style bands (wardruna and The Hu etc) and songs for really awakening my inner masculine … definitely a powerful Fear Melters!!

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A. Shannon

After doing Fear Melters daily with my coach I was amazed at just how good I felt all day. I didn’t know I could feel this good all day.

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Steven F.

It didn’t take long for me to start a timer on Google for FOUR minutes and start doing Fear Melters. As I went through some of the usual moves, I noticed I was shifting from love scoops to spontaneously slapping my chest and legs, not really hurting myself, it was more like matching the slaps…

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Terry Morganti-Fisher

When I first started doing Fear Melters, I was challenged by feeling the love scoops. My arms were scooping, scooping, and I was visualizing heart shaped rain drops, showers of loving waterfalls —you name it !— and I felt nothing. Until… I looked out the window. I’m discovering how visual and tactile my learning style…

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Janell Ranae Rempel

In this morning’s Love in Action live call, Kathlyn Hendricks suggested we could send Love Scoops to someone thousands of miles away, and I immediately thought of my mom and sent her some love… Then, a little after the call, I was chatting with her and my brother in our family chat, and I let…

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Sophia Kim

While doing my fear melters this morning I had the thought that “I wonder if a grounding Root would be supportive when I notice that I am fleeing to my head.” I giggled when I pulled the Integrity deck card Fear Melter: “I recognize the leaving quality of my body fleeing and easily shift into…

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Michele Yasuda

…I like to add “HERE I AM” to my Root — and I love lifting up and then dropping my heels and saying “here I am” as a way to presence.

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Darlene Bellis

While doing love scoops every morning for weeks I noticed a place I was NOT sending love… my fingernails. I had had a life long habit of biting my nails to the point of bleeding. I had generated tremendous shame (and pain) throughout my life with this embarrassing vice. So, I began sending drops of…

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Michael Deloughery

I chose to give love scoops to my lower back (I felt a call to there). I felt a current of delicious spark energy move through me. Like I had plugged in an area in my body that was super charged to receive love energy. I savored the buzz and then did it again and…

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Damian Cade

I went to a dance competition this last weekend, and I used the fear melters again and again to process fear around showing up and being seen. I danced better than I’ve ever danced before, and my dance partner Bailey and I ended up winning. The moves we did are all improvised, but we decided…

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Greg Newman

I’ve been playing with finding my “sweet spot“ with my fear melters. When I’m moving, I’m feeling into the speed and rhythm and movement until it feels just right in my body. Like Goldilocks. If I’m moving too much or too quickly, I might still be aware of my body, but my awareness of my…

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Susanne Wagner

Doing day #2 this morning, I pulled the Fear Melter “Love Scoops” and learned a lot about my hidden resistances against gathering good feelings and well- being… hmmmmm…. a day of new discovery, so thankful.

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Michele Yasuda

I noticed when I was sharing love scoops with a client recently that they were just going through the motions. The scoops were not landing emotionally. Once they began to land the scoops on their body with a small pause, there was a slight softening in they’re face. I like the idea of scooping something…

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Greg N.

I’ve been playing with seeing how subtly I can do Fear Melters, so that I can feel them on the inside but they are virtually undetectable from the outside.

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Angela Kaiser

When feeling fear, the oozing had a different kind of effect than the other Fear Melters … I almost felt like I surrendered fully to the emotion — like melting — absolutely no resistance … like a rock with water just going around me … I felt sheltered and safe somehow like the fear washed…

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Angela Kaiser

…In other words, facing and feeling the fear, moving it through my body and then loving myself with compassion allowed me to have some compassion for her. And now I’m able to actually serve her better.

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Steven Fisher

… I Love Root! I too have often fled into my head, thinking that would keep me safe. I now see it as isolating myself from Life. I liked what Katie said Tuesday, something like “Integrity is the best way to create Safety.” I notice that Root helps me feel solid and complete, i.e. wholeness…

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Michael Deloughery

While coaching a client, I had the opportunity to witness the immediate effective of doing FMs. The client expressed about an issue which seemed to me to include feeling fear. I asked if that was accurate. Then I asked what sensations on the Fast-Aid for Fear Melters sheet they noticed were happening right now. After…

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Terry Morganti-Fisher

I made a discovery this morning doing Fear Melters. I’ve been doing them to music and today I noticed that my attention was on the music more than on my body’s experience of Fear Melters. I’m wondering into how I can deepen my practice of fear melters so that I’m fully present. I feel like…

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An Easy Way to Remember Fear Melters®