The Weight of our Attention 2/28/22
Katie begins today’s practice suggesting that many of us want to have more impact on what is going on in the world, whether we are thinking about Ukraine, or our environmental crisis. We turn our attention practice today towards …
Read MoreSurfing Our Essence Ocean 2/21/22
On our call today Katie shares how to enhance our experience of attention by tuning in more closely to our body communications. She asks us to consider whether we are willing to get messages from our body before it has …
Read MoreThe Field of Discovery 2/14/22
Katie shares the Hendricks practices as a field of discovery where we reveal essence. Every day we can expand our capacity to give and receive more love. Katie suggests that Love scoops activate our willingness to receive and she …
Refreshing Ourselves with Attention 2/7/22
Today Katie suggests that we sample the idea that sometimes we don’t notice the slow leaking of our energy over time, and how useful it is to create our own sense of contrast as a way to register change. …
Read MorePausing to Shift our Attention 1/31/22
Giving and receiving attention is a major source of nourishment that we can give to ourselves and others. Katie invites us into the nourishment of shifting our attention. The most nourishing kind of attention we can give ourselves is …
Read MoreThe Value of Going With 1/24/22
Today Katie shares about how profound it is to allow the ripples of what is occuring in any moment to land fully and suggests that surrendering to what is happening is not giving up, but rather moving with the …
Read MoreReclaiming Multi-Dimensionality 1/17/22
Today Katie invites us to hmmmmm as we toss our attention as though we’re tossing a ball, letting our attention flow with curiosity and then out to the horizon. We then play with tossing our attention to create more …
Read MoreFavoring Savoring 1/10/22
Katie invites us to allow our attention to support us in increasing our ability to receive. As willingness to receive is as much a gift as giving, when we we are circulating energy by giving and receiving, we are …
Read MoreBuilding Up Our Attention Reserves 1/3/22
In our first Loops and Scoops of the new year, Katie invites us to “Hmmmm” and “Wow” aloud and notice how we experience that in our bodies. She shares that appreciation and opening to receiving are two practices that …
The Pleasure of Using our Attention 12/27/21
Katie begins today’s practice by asking how much ‘at choice’ we feel about where we put our attention. She invites us to gather our attention and then choose where we want it to land. We play with gathering our …
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