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Modern parenting may hinder brain development, research suggests

Social practices and cultural beliefs of modern life are preventing healthy brain and emotional development in children, according to an interdisciplinary body of research presented recently at a symposium at the University of Notre Dame.

“Life outcomes for American youth …

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‘She’ Is Not Welcome on Campus

The University of Tennessee at Knoxville drew widespread derision last week for publishing a pronoun usage guide that asked students and professors to add the gender-neutral descriptors ze/zir/zirs and xe/xem/xyrs to their vocabularies. Conservatives accused the university of encouraging political …

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Cottages For Homeless People In Dallas Will Save Taxpayers About $1.3 Million

Dallas seems to have taken a cue from its neighbors in Houston on how to effectively tackle, and put an end to, chronic homelessness.

Starting November, 50 chronically homeless individuals in Dallas will each move into their own cottages in …

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Dustin Hoffman breaks down crying explaining something that every woman sadly already experienced

Back in the day, for those of you younger folk, Dustin Hoffman made a movie called “Tootsie.” It was a hilarious and touching movie about an actor who can’t get a gig, decides to become a woman to see if …

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Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller’s Brilliant Metaphor for the Greatest Key to Transformation and Growth

“What you do with yourself, just the little things you do yourself, these are the things that count.”

“The only transformation that interests me is a total transformation—however minute,” Susan Sontag wrote in her diary. It’s a sentiment both paradoxical …

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Scientists Find A Way To Combat Racial Bias Among Little Kids

First, they found that infants as young as 3 months old show racial bias. Now they’ve found a way to shake up those early preferences — and perhaps undermine more pernicious racial stereotypes as we grow up.

Research from the …

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Michelle Gielan

The Benefits Of Positive News Ripple Far Beyond The First Smile

For years, Michelle Gielan was a journalist at CBS News, dutifully telling the public about everything from natural disasters and the financial recession to shootings and soldiers’ funerals. But over time, the drumbeat of negative news got to her.

“I …

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Compliments That Aren’t About Physical Appearance

From Lori White
“Artist Caroline Caldwell is my new favorite human being.

She decided that people needed some ideas for how to compliment each other on things besides looks and physical appearance.

Why? Well … the whole looks-complimenting thing is

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A young girl doing math

These 2 cognitive biases may explain why girls fall behind in tech, engineering, and math

While women are well-represented in the science world, men still prevail in jobs related to technology, engineering, and math — at a ratio of roughly four to one.

This may be a matter of aptitude at the professional level, but …

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Who is the You?

Who is the You? by Nicole Taylor is an illustrated poem about the process of reclaiming our essence. Featuring photos from the author’s 2013 pilgrimage to India, the poem illustrates the internal journey back to our true nature.

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