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Appreciate (you too!)

Appreciate (you too) invites bringing awareness both to the space around you and others. Attention is a gift, and when you actively choose where to focus it, you engage in the amazing art of appreciating.


Appreciate Everyone as a Work of Art

Taking on the attitude that everyone is an evolving work of art creates a sense of open connection and expansive consciousness.


Befriend Feelings and Be With

Befriending feelings is like being with your feelings the way you would be with a good friend. Befriending means welcoming all feelings with non-judgmental awareness.


Bodify Your Experience for a Moment Before Speaking

Using body movements and sound before expressing with words opens up new connections to what you are experiencing and want to say. You can create fun expressing to others in this way.


Breathe Easy

Allowing yourself to breathe easy is a simple way to reset your breathing and increase your circulation. You will also create a sense of well being.


Choose to See Others as Allies, On Your Team

Seeing others as allies is a way to let go of blame and criticism and open up to your full creative power. It leads to learning and discovering from experiences rather than being at the effect of them.


Chunk (fewer words)

Using fewer words to express what you want to say makes communicating more fun and effective. It allows the other person to absorb what you are saying in a more accessible and enjoyable way.


Commit and Act

Committing is the act of gathering yourself and moving fully in a chosen direction. By creating an action step for your commitment, you bring the commitment to life.


Create Hmmm….

Making a pleasant hmmm sound through an entire out breath opens up the felt experience of curiosity and calms the critical brain. Using a hmmm sound gives a richer experience of wonder and curiosity.


Do the Opposite

By making a new choice in the opposite direction we expand creative flow. You might choose this move when you feel stuck.


Essence Pace to be Aware of you & Aware of Other

When we move at a pace that feels alive and connected, rather than a pace we learned from our family or culture, we have the opportunity to open our awareness of ourselves and others around us. The key is moving at a pace that allows you to be aware of you AND your surroundings at…



Exaggerating a body movement, posture, or verbal expression brings awareness to your inner landscape and interrupts patterns in a friendly and fun way.


Exaggerate Persona/Role

Personas are aspects of ourselves, masks we wear, that support us in receiving positive attention and avoiding troublesome attention such as judgment or shaming. Some common personas: nice guy/gal, perfectionist, do it right, critic, cheerleader, judge, and rebel. By exaggerating the postures, gestures and behavior of the persona, you can experience a direct connection to…


Exaggerate Your Gestures and Expressions

Exaggerating gestures and expressions gives an added sense of play to communication. You can communicate clearly without words and connect with what is underneath the cognitive analysis of the communication.


Explore the 4 Pillars of Integrity

Integrity is the state of being whole and aligned with reality. The 4 Pillars of Integrity skills include emotional literacy, healthy responsibility, impeccable agreements, and conscious communication.


Fear Melters (Ooze, Root, Wiggle, Love Scoops)

Using Fear Melters® to connect with yourself is a way to bring you back to agency when you experience disconnection.These simple yet powerful body movements are a portal to connection with ourselves and others.


Fear Melters (Ooze, Root, Wiggle, Love Scoops)

Using Fear Melters® to support you in being present with others when you experience any type of fear.  These simple yet powerful body movements are a portal to connection and play.


Fear Melters (Ooze, Root, Wiggle, Love Scoops)

Using Fear Melters® to presence yourself  is a way to bring you back to agency when you experience disconnection from yourself and others. These simple yet powerful body movements are a portal to connection with ourselves and others. 


Find Your Feet

This practice supports you in presencing yourself exactly where you are at any time.


Get Curious with “Hmmm…”

Ignite curiosity and explore fresh perspectives by audibly pondering with “Hmmm…” This simple expression can lead to new ideas and a more open-minded approach to understanding issues or possibilities.


Get Way Faster, Then Way Slower

Moving your whole body or your hands and arms at different paces such as very fast and very slow will give you a felt experience of expanding choice and momentum in your daily activities.


Give Attention to Where Others’ Body/Breath is Open

While interacting with someone, you can notice their breathing, posture and/or gestures to invite a deeper connection through resonance.


Give Yourself a Drop of Love

Often when people turn their attention towards themselves they look for what’s wrong. When you pause and give yourself loving attention, you generate deep presence. Squeezing imaginary drops of love on yourself engages your body which supports integration of self love.


Go in the Direction of the Flow

Choosing to favor openings of flow/possibility brings expanded creative power as you receive the added support of open energetic flow.


Let go (of idea, thought, issue)

When you let go of ideas, thoughts or issues that you are stuck on, you refresh your brain and open up space for something new.


Let Your Attention Fan Out, Then Focus Like a Laser

You can focus your attention on anything that you can perceive, with any of your senses: sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, or on any combination of these.


Let Your Body Get Strong, Then Light

Trying on different types of energetic experiences can raise your awareness of what you are feeling at any given time. By trying on the opposite ends of the spectrum, you will get a felt sense of the variances.


Let Your Whole Self Turn Toward What’s Happening

When you pause to turn your whole self towards what is happening, you allow yourself to presence in the moment.


Listen Appreciatively

When we add appreciation to our listening, we open up space for curiosity and connection in an easy and gentle way.


Loop/Shift Attention

When you circulate your curious attention between you and someone else, you will develop a deeper experience of connection with your environment/others.


Match and Make Bigger

While connecting with someone try on an aspect of what they are doing and exaggerate it. This can be a fun way to bring playfulness into relating with a partner or children.


Mirror the Other With Your Body

If you want to gain a better sense of what’s going on with another person, try on their body language, breathing patterns, and movements.


New Choice

Pausing and making a new choice expands your sense of and interrupts unconscious patterns to allow for something new to emerge.


Notice and Follow What Your Body Wants To Do Most

Engaging in mindful observation of your body sensations enhances your self-awareness and your perception of those around you. Responding to your impulses can foster a greater sense of flow and vitality.


Notice You (Breath & Sensations), Notice Others + Room

By alternating bringing your awareness to to your breath and body sensations and then giving attention to to others around you or your environment, you deepen your experience of presence.


Notice Your Breath With “Hmmm…”

Noticing your breath with curiosity is an opportunity to increase your awareness of your breathing patterns.


Open Posture

Give attention to your posture and notice if you are closed off in any way and make an adjustment to open up. Open posture signals a readiness for connection.


Receive Communication With Open Posture and Breath

By noticing and adjusting our posture and breath, our body supports us in receiving the nutrient of connecting with others our ourselves. This opens us to receive communications from our inner wisdom and from others.


Receive, Then Toss…

When we are in connection with others we can bring a sense of playfulness by trying on what another person is expressing and exaggerating it.


Reflect Feelings

As you listen and notice another’s words, body language, and tone, let yourself notice what feelings are arising for you or that you notice in the other person.


Take 3 Breaths + Change Your Body Posture

If you find yourself feeling impatient, overwhelmed, anxious, or upset, taking a few deep belly breaths and changing your posture is a simple way to shift your state.


Take the Posture of the Old Story, Wiggle, Then Take the Posture of the New Story

By allowing the whole body expression of your relationship with a pattern or event in your life, you can connect with a deeper understanding, which will enable you to create a new and more aligned expression. Wiggling in between stories allows you to release one and create energetic room for what’s next.


Toss “Tell me more…”

The phrase “tell me more” invites curiosity and discovery for the speaker and listener.  The speaker is invited into continuous exploration, while the listener experiences the delight and surprise of spontaneous discovery.


Turn Toward

Turn your whole body toward the person or experience with which you want to connect . If you are wanting to turn fully towards yourself, bring your awareness to your internal world.


Turn Words Into Sound

Letting sound express what you are feeling is a useful alternative to using only words.  Whether you are bored, scared, frustrated, or tired, making sounds can turn expression into play and often communicates well what you are experiencing.


Wonder… Hmmm…

Wonder will open you up to possibilities and a deeper sense of knowing what you most want.


Yes, and Add Appreciation

By responding to communication with a “yes” attitude and appreciation, you can add a boost of creativity and fun.